Hi everyone! Today we are just 4 days away from our fundraiser concert... How crazy! If you're in the area of Asbury University, we would love for you to stop by! We will be playing a bunch of great songs, having a bake sale, and there will be an awesome photo booth. All of the proceeds from this concert will go toward our trip to Ireland in May. Tickets are just $3. Please come, and bring all of your friends!
If you are interested in helping with this concert, there are plenty of opportunities to join in! First and foremost we need prayer; please pray that we can at least break even with the cost/gain of this concert. Also be praying that we as a band are able to give a great show and host a fun event.
Also, we are in desperate need of baked goods to sell during the event. If you are skilled in the area of baking (or even mediocre... or you can read a recipe) please consider donating some baked goods to our efforts! You can drop them off in the Grille the night of the concert or any of the band members can arrange to pick up any donations.
We do have a few other opportunities for helpers, as well. We need ushers to take tickets, helpers to decorate before the concert, big strong men to help us load in equipment, and people to work the tables such as the photo booth, temporary tattoo station, and the bake sale. If you would like to do any of these odd jobs for us, please contact anyone in the band and we'll get you connected.
We are so excited for this event, and we can't wait to see you Monday night at 8pm up in the Grille!
love and blessings,